
Exhibition finishes new adventure begins

Life never gives us what we want at the moment that we consider appropriate. Adventures do occur, but not punctually. (1.3.9) E M Forster "A passage to India "

Last Thursday I took the exhibition in Daylesford down

Tomorrow morning leaving early,as befits a great journey, I shall fly to Mumbai  fulfilling a dream I have  had for over 40 years- to finally meet Mother India in her own home .
Over the years I  loved her well but too briefly in  both male and female form but never at her home - this year I have attended an ashram in Melbourne to do yoga twice a week and when the opportunity came up to attend an international community development conference in Pune  knew my time had come
 I went to to the ashram to say farewell yesterday and I felt I was a part of the love India has for itself i am already connected and am now visiting the wellspring of so many waters . I am both grateful and hopeful ..

Behind the Conversion of St Paul, at the Convent next Saturday

Here is my picture, possibly my favourite, from the current exhibition of the Conversion of St Paul and after it the work by Caravaggio of the same name.
You can see my work is a homage to the original . It was hung sideways at the PicN mix exhibition and I had to get the framers to restring it
I am a huge fan of Caravaggio's chiaroscuro and am recruiting a variety of models so I can construct some large scale tableaux using several distinctive figures each showing a certain amount of flesh to give warmth to the pictures. (let me know f you would like to volunteer! )
 Caravaggio used many of the same figures in different paintings and I shall do the same..and I love the way he uses unusual perspective in his paintings a practice I began over 20 years ago with a series of still lives painted from the aerial view rather then the usual front on perspective .
The genesis of my image happened in St Paul's Cathedral Melbourne where I was taking photos of the many beautiful tiles on the floors and walls - these have been woven through a source image of Nicollo to form the picture on exhibition.

For anyone who hasn't seen the exhibition I will be at Daylesford next Saturday with my friend Sculptor Dave who is coming from Sydney to see it